Ready To Get Double Glazing In East Sussex?

Have problems with condensation on your windows in East Sussex? Or want to enjoy lower energy bills this winter?

Double glazing is one of the most dramatic ways to reduce your energy bills thanks to the fact up to 20% of energy is lost through poorly-insulated windows.

Poorly insulated windows mean unnecessarily high energy bills, higher carbon dioxide emissions and significant noise pollution, especially if you live on a busy road. Unfortunately, single glazed windows are notoriously bad at keeping heat in. Not only that, they can lead to condensation entering your home which further leads to damp.

Double glazing, however, reduces the effect of internal air reaching its dew point. Great news for those who want a quieter, drier environment for everyone in your home.

We can install beautiful A-rated double glazed windows to make your property in East Sussex warmer and more energy-efficient.

Windows are rated from A-G, with A being the best available. Tested and awarded for an efficiency rating by the BRFC, this system makes it easier to find the highest quality windows available.

Originally established in 2013, MPG Maintenance is one of the top-rated double glazing companies in the area. A family-run company, we are trustworthy, reliable and always go the extra mile to exceed all our customers’ expectations.

For more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch today.


01342 316405.